Use Breathing Exercise to Improve Your Overall performance

“Take a deep breath” can actually help to relieve stress. As you breathe deeply, you are also bringing more oxygen into your body, which can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of wellbeing. Deep breathing also promotes mindfulness by bringing your attention to the present moment, which can help to reduce racing thoughts and promote a sense of mental clarity.

It’s always nice to have a better breathing. However, for people with respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD, breathing can often be a struggle. These conditions can cause a reduction in breathing capacity, making it difficult to perform everyday activities such as walking or climbing stairs.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety
  2. Improves focus and concentration
  3. Lowers blood pressure
  4. Increases energy levels
  5. Improves digestion
  6. Boosts the immune system
  7. Improves sleep quality.

You Need Breathing Exercise

By working to improve breathing capacity and manage respiratory conditions, individuals with asthma and COPD can improve their quality of life and maintain their independence. With the right treatment and support, it is possible to breathe easier and enjoy a better quality of life.

The goal of breathing exercises is to bring awareness to the breath and use it as a tool to improve physical and mental health. They can be done in a variety of settings, such as during meditation or yoga, or as part of a daily routine. Breathing exercises can be used to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional or physical symptoms. They can also be used to enhance athletic performance or to manage chronic conditions such as asthma.

How do I practice breathing exercises?

Get comfy and stay focused: You should choose a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable, and where you won’t be distracted by outside noises or interruptions. It could be a quiet room in your home, a park or nature reserve, or any other place where you feel at ease. The environment should be peaceful and free from any distractions that could interfere with your focus and relaxation. Once you find a suitable space, make sure to switch off your phone and any other electronic devices, so you can completely disconnect and focus on your breathing exercises.

Relax your body: Relaxing your body is an important step in practicing deep breathing exercises. When you relax your body, it can help you focus on your breathing and reduce any tension or stress you may be feeling.

Set your goal: You should always have a goal. Whether it’s reduce stress, improve relaxation, or increase focus. 5 minutes a day or make it to 10. If you want to get yourself a better overall performance, a 10 minute course will be fine.

Choose your exerciser: Breathing exercises with resistance levels are perfect tool to use for individuals looking to improve their respiratory function and strengthen their breathing muscles. Nascool breathing exerciser involve using a device that creates resistance while breathing, forcing the individual to work harder to inhale and exhale.

Resistance level is a brilliant tool

The resistance level recommended for breath exercises can vary depending on the individual’s current respiratory function and their specific goals for using the breath exerciser.

For beginners or those with limited respiratory function, it is generally recommended to start with a low resistance level and gradually increase it over time as the respiratory muscles become stronger. A resistance level that is too high may cause fatigue or discomfort, which can discourage users from continuing their breathing exercises.

We recommend to always start from level 1. Our breath exerciser have 5 resistance level both for inhalation and exhalation. With a Built-in manometer, you can check your improvement anytime, anywhere.

Other Breathing Exercise You May Wanna Try…

Box breathing:

Inhale for a set amount of time, holding your breath for the same amount of time, exhaling for the same amount of time, and then holding your breath again for the same amount of time. This type of breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve focus.

4-7-8 breathing:

This is a popular choice worldwide! This involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhaling for 8 seconds. This type of breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep.

Kapalbhati Pranayama:

A traditional yogic breathing technique that involves short, rapid exhales followed by longer, passive inhales. This type of breathing can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and increase lung capacity.

Bhramari Pranayama:

Also known as the humming bee breath, do it with inhaling deeply and then making a humming sound while exhaling. This type of breathing can help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve concentration.


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